My friend Alex and I went around the arboretum on campus the other day, just to take pictures and enjoy the beautiful day. We found this amazing tree, and I loved how the picture turned out with each of us standing next to it. It reminded me of how utterly small I am in the midst of God's huge presence. It's such an interesting paradox to me. On one hand, we are just little specks compared to the greatness of God's majesty and creation. Yet, on the other hand, God loves each of us individually just as much, and what's even more: that love is unconditional -- there is nothing we could do to make God love us more, and there is nothing we have done that makes God love us any less. He knows everything about us (every hair on our head even!), yet He also created an infinite number of other people that He loves just as much and knows everything about also. Oh, but wait, He also created billions upon billions of animals and plants. Oh, but there's more! He also sculpted and painted the majestic landscapes that we see at the Grand Canyon and in deep gorges and in sunrises and sunsets. It is truly amazing.